Becoming A Member

Becoming A Member of the

Rotary Club of Salisbury

Click here to access the Membership Application


  1. Why Join Rotary?
    Each Rotary Club strives for a diverse membership that represents its community's business, vocational, public and professional interests. All clubs, including Salisbury’s, work to fulfill Rotary’s overall mission to “provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance understanding, goodwill and peace through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.”
  2. How it Works 
    Your name is proposed by a current member and presented to the Membership Committee once you have completed an application for membership. That Committee confirms the appropriateness of your selection and proposes your name to the Board of Directors at their next monthly meeting. You may attend as a visitor while this process takes place.
  3. What it Costs?
    A one-time initiation fee of $125.00. Quarterly dues are $225.00 plus a $25.00 contribution to the Rotary Foundation, a total of $250.00 per quarter. Dues include lunch at the Rotary Hut during weekly meetings.
  4. Meetings:
    Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30 PM at the Rotary Hut at 300 West Liberty Street, the corner of West Liberty and North Jackson Streets. Lunch service begins at 12:20 PM and the program begins on or about 12:45 PM.
  5. Attendance:
    Members are encouraged to attend at least 60% of meetings per half year and may not miss more than four meetings in a row.
  6. Make-up meetings:
    A missed meeting can be made up by attending the meeting of another Rotary Club or by participating in a Zoom meeting of another club.
  7. Orientation:
    New members are required to attend an annual orientation meeting which is held periodically by the Club.
  8. Introduction:
    Each new member will present a 2 to 3 minute introduction of themselves to the Club at the request of the President. New members wear red ribbons for their first few months.
  9. Participation:
    Members are expected to participate in club meetings and activities. Club activities include committee work and service projects. 
  10. Service:
    Members are encouraged to participate in service projects like ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at Christmas, working on projects during BlockWork or the United Way Day of Caring and other service activities that the Club may sponsor. Participation is mandatory in Club’s annual Rotary Raffle which supports our scholarship program. Members are required to purchase or sell at least three $100.00 tickets to the raffle each year.
  11. Foundation Contributions:
    Members are expected to contribute at least $100.00 annually to The Rotary Foundation. This may be done through the $25.00 charge added to your quarterly bill. Gifts to the Rotary Foundation or its Polio Plus Fund apply towards a Paul Harris Fellow designation ($1000.00). A portion of the Annual Fund contributions are available for use at the district level to fund local projects.
  12. New Member
    Each year members are encouraged to submit the name of one or more qualified persons as prospective new members.
  13. New Member Application Form:
    Click here to download a membership application. Return the completed forms to Donnie Clement by scanning and emailing: [email protected] The application may also be handed in at the front desk during any weekly Rotary meeting.
  14. Program Responsibility:
    Members are encouraged to recommend programs of interest to the Program Committee. Members with a connection to the presenter may be asked to introduce the program to the Club.
  15. Scooting: 
    Members leaving before the conclusion of a meeting are requested to place $2 in the red Scooters Box near the rear exit.
  16. Guest Meals: 
    Members are free to ask guests to attend meetings. Members are asked sign in and introduce their guests. There is a charge of $15 per meal for guests. Prospective members are not charged for meals.
  17. Leave of Absence: 
    Members may apply for a Leave of Absence in three month increments for up to one year. Quarterly dues will be reduced to $55.00 if the Leave of Absence is granted.