Club of Salisbury


A Word From Our President 

Dear Rotarians and Potential Rotarians, 

The 103 year old Salisbury Rotary Club has a legacy of leadership in our community.  In 2024, we are also a club of hospitality, curiosity, and open hearts. Many of our newest members are younger than 90% of our club members. And many of our newest members are diverse in culture, color, gender, and career.

Our club members are curious.  Our programs cover many topics including History and the Arts, Business, Natural Resources, Non-profits, Education, Rotary, Health and Wellness and Community Current Events. Over the past 18 months we have heard from seven of our 10 largest employers in Rowan County. Community Current Events Programs included our new Salisbury City Police Chief, Rowan Helping Ministries and our Salisbury City Police Homelessness Liaison.

Service is one of the primary reasons we join Rotary.  During the fall our club volunteered for the City of Salisbury Blockwork program, rang the Salvation Army Bell at Christmas and purchased English Literacy materials for a school for working children in Guatemala. This spring, we will participate in the United Way Day of Caring and more.

One of our newest initiatives is our Care, Concern, and Congratulations for our members. We want to let our members know that we care about them, share concern for the difficulties and health struggles that they or their families encounter.  And we want to celebrate with our members, whether it be new babies, grand babies, or great grandbabies. We also celebrate awards, recognitions, and personal triumphs.

If you as a potential Rotarian are interested in learning more, reach out to me, Cindy Fink at [email protected] or 919-691-7323.

If you are a present Rotary member and want to volunteer to chair or participate on a committee, send me an email, or give me a call!

Create Hope in the World, 

President Cindy
Salisbury Rotary Club